Iris and Zero
Client: Emma Luck
Medium: Ink and Colored Pencils
Time spent: 5-6 Days total
One of my long time online friends, Emma Luck, commissioned me to do a drawing of her character and her former boyfriend's character.

So first, I need a fully detailed description of the characters, and the pose they need to be in, background, etc.
Emma Provided this:

Zero: Basiaclly looks like jeff. So, Thats tall.. 6'2. Fairly pale skin, but not ghostly. Skinny, boney, thin... however you wana put it. Long hair, dirty blonde, down to about the butt. Eyes'd be greyish blueish... The face itself.. well.. its more.. longish.. structured... if you want a picture of jeff to loosely base it upon i can give you that. Clothingwise its black pants, grey shirt, black cape, black boots. Y ou know, the ususal Zero attired. Nothing changes there. heh. ANyway, if you want more detales on Zero, lemme know.

Iris: Tallish, about 5'8. Average build. Not overly skinny, not large, just average. Blonde hair down to about midback. Straight, white blonde... facial is not round, more oval shaped. Eyes are a bright blue color. The skin tone is light, but not overly light. Clothingwise'd be a dark blue shirt, black pants, black boots, and a dark blue cloak w/ hood. Again, if you need more descriptions, ask me.

Emotion: Went over, love. heh.

Position: alrighty...i think i am going to go for this one.. standing... hugging ...Arms around each other,  his arms around her back, her arms around his, kinda thing. her head resting against his chest... as for his head... i have a few ideas... i was thinking etiher His cheek resting against the top of her head... his chin resting ontp of her head as he looks forward, or his leaning down to kiss the top of her head. THe one thing i do want is to be able to somewhat see the face... doesn;'t have to be the whole face, at least part.. i dunno which you think would be better.

Anyway, if you need anything else, lemme know. If you want more info, questions, wana change something, anything. I'm very easy going. =)

And she was!
So after all that, now it's time for:

1- 5-10 minute sketch. Just to get the posing,and clothing okayed before more detail is added

2- Rough drawing with refined adjustments mad by the client (Emma). For instance, she said to make iris taller, and total change Zero's face. Luckily, these were the only real things that needed to be fixed. Everything else, she was happy with.
3- Inked final version before coloring. Have to make sure everything is 100% perfect.. because when the color hits, there is no going back.
With the final inking done, now it's time to get color feedback from the client.

Hair, blonde... light blonde over dark.Like.. the kind of natural blonde that everyone asks if its dyed beuacse you never thought people could naturally have hair that color, if you know what i mean.
Shirt: A medium shade of blue. Not overly dark, but DEFINENTLY not baby blue or something along those lines. Maybe the color of dark blue jeans? If thats helpful.
Pants: Similar shade of blue. CLose, but note quiet the same.
Boots: Black, with blue shoelaces if possible. =)
Skin Tone: Fairly pale but not ghost like.

hair: Bleeave it or not. blonde...  but a darker blonde rather then a lighter blonde. maybe almost dirty blonde.
Cape: black.
Shirt: Grey
Pants: Black
Boots: Black
Skin Tone: Pale as well.

As for the direction of the light? Umm... I wana say coming from the right... maybe not directly on them but partly?

4- Final colored version. Done with Colored Pencils. The full drawing is about 8x5. Colored in with Prismacolors. The best damn colored pencils out there. Notice that i changed the direction of the light. It looked better coming more from the left. Just one of the cases where the artist needed to take matters into their own hands, to make sure the picture came out well. And even with the changes, she was 100% happy with it, and still reminds me of that now and again!
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Artwork is copyrighted by Nathan Horsfall