This is the place to go for my artwork that ISN'T done on the computer. I have Misc. Freehand Art, Characters, my Talcon project, my Box, Storyboards, Backgrounds, Old School Art (from high school and older), and Photography. And all is freehand, just done with Various mediums.  If you want to see some more freehand stuff, you can check the Fox page, because that has even MORE pictures up there. He's under the characters link though. But for now, enjoy!
All pictures are Created by and property of Nathan Horsfall
Copywrite 2002 and beyond
My Box
The Talcon
Old School Art
Misc. Freehand Art
The Place to go if you want to see full renders and other random-ish stuff. Things like Marker work, inked drawings, colored pencils, and etc. Can all be found right there.
Those who used to come to this site, this is where the freehand art that was on the main page, has been moved to.
Talcon = Tiger+ Falcon.
Don't understand what that means? It's a creature hybrid. Check out the link for more information and pictures of course.
The Box is a great showing of multipile mediums mixing to create a final piece. Many good drawings on here, all merged together with one crazy concept that actually tells about me.
It's telling my story, without words.
Storyboards are a series of pictures that tells what is happening per each scene of film (and animation). As well as direct the camera and cue audio.
Animators need storyboards every time they start a project. Thus, this page has all the boards I made before doing my aniamtions. And even has some boards that were never used.
Every once in awhile I'll sit down and just draw some backgrounds. Thats what you'll find here.
Some of these were even turned into 3d renderings on MAX.
Ah.. the high school days.. Wait.. no, this goes back even FARTHER than that sometimes.. So what you'll find on here is sketchbook drawings in the good old high school sketchbook. As well as some drawings and computer work from over 10 years ago. These aren't masterpieces, and it's more up for your amusement. But it's always neat to see how artists got their start, don't you think?
Photography.. Is this REALLY Freehand art? No. But am i going to make a whole section just for this small group of images? HELL no.
So what is on here is some pictures taken in my high school photo class. Since then, I haven't even touched a camera.. So this section won't grow most likely, but it should still be good stuff for you to look at.
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Misc. Freehand Art